8) { $fp = fopen ($lbase, "r"); fclose ($fp); $arr_main=file($lbase); $pic = explode(":::",$arr_main[$num-1]); $img = $pic[1]; } list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($img); $sizz = remote_filesize($img); $source_url = parse_url($img, PHP_URL_HOST); $sizz = $sizz/1024; $result = round($sizz, 1); @$type_type = array ( 1 => GIF, 2 => JPG, 3 => PNG, 4 => SWF, 5 => PSD, 6 => BMP, 7 => TIFF, 8 => TIFF2, 9 => JPC, 10 => JP2, 11 => JPX, 12 => JB2, 13 => SWC, 14 => IFF, 15 => WBMP, 16 => XBM ); ?> Viewing the image of "" - #

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